WP5 – Dissemination and advocacy

This Work Package is led by Dr . Dario Scaramuzzi from R-Evolution WorldWide, and co-led by Prof. Halidou Tinto (CNRST/IRSS, Burkina Faso) and Prof. Kassoum Kayentao (USTTB, Mali).
Dissemination, exploitation, communication and advocacy activities are an integral and fundamental part of the project as a means to ensure that the conducted research will achieve the planned public health impact.
Indeed, in the context of this Work Package the dissemination, exploitation, communication and advocacy strategy developed is aimed at ensuring optimal utilization of the knowledge generated throughout the lifespan of the project from an educational, scientific, political, economic and societal perspective, not only in the countries involved in this project but also in the other Sub-Saharan African countries.

Objectives of the WP5
O5.1: To reinforce the existing links between the institutions involved.
O5.2: To adequately plan the dissemination, exploitation and communication of project objectives, activities and results.
O5.3: To raise visibility and awareness about INTEGRATION vision, objectives activities and outcome.
O5.4: To engage potential end-users, decision/policy makers, stakeholders, and targeted audience.
O5.5: To advocate the translation of research outcome into policy.
How to reach these objectives?
How to reach O5.1
A project kick-off meeting will be organized in Bamako, in Mali. This meeting will be also the opportunity to involve the relevant stakeholders and to further develop the target audience.
How to reach O5.2
A dissemination, exploitation, and communications strategy plan will be developed in collaboration with all the consortium partners, and then finalized during a strategy plan kick-off meeting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, open to institutions and stakeholders interested.
How to reach O5.3
The most appropriate channels and tools of dissemination and communication will be tailored on the different features of the target audience. In addition, project website and associated social media will be released.
How to reach O5.4 and O5.5
In addition to the regular meetings and jointly activities that the African partners are already doing with the local decision-policy makers, the latter will be invited to attend the plenary project meetings that the consortium will plan on yearly basis, including the project kick-off meeting. Building on these regular opportunities, a roadmap to policy change will be developed and agreed to get it ready in adopting the research outcomes.