USTTB – University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako
The Faculty of Science and Techniques is a public education structure in Mali created in 1996 with the University of Mali. Today, it is the structure of the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako. Since its creation, it has trained many students in the field of science and technology, from DEUG level to Doctorate level. USTTB has extensive experience of conducting clinical trials and is sponsor as for example of the EDCTP-funded WANECAM project (IP.2007.31060.002) completed in 3 West African countries. In addition, USTTB is currently the sponsor of several funded EDCTP projects including “PYRAPREG” (8 institutions), “WANECAM 2” (10 countries), and PFTBV (7 partners) consortia projects funded by EDCTP2.
In the INTEGRATION project, USTTB is represented by Prof. Kassoum Kayentao, which takes a core part, is directly in line with the missions of the project program. The USTTB has been collaborating with the National Malaria Control Program (PNLP) for a long time in the fight against malaria.

Working Group from left to right: Aissata Diallo, Kadiatou Koita and Mahamadou Dembele