INTEGRATION Close-up Meeting
On 13th and 14th February 2025, the INTEGRATION Consortium held its Close-up Meeting both in person at Novotel Marcory, in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, and virtually.
The meeting was opened by the project coordinator, Prof. Kassoum Kayentao, from the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB) who was pleased to welcome the INTEGRATION consortium.
The event was attended by 23 participants, among them all the Consortium partners and the main relevant stakeholders of the project.
Indeed, the representatives of the National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCP), the representative of the Permanent Secretariat for Malaria Elimination (SP/Palu) and the representative of the Maternal and Reproductive Health also joined the meeting.
In his introductory speech, the coordinator presented the goal and objectives of the Close-up meeting.
The Consortium partners, in turn, provided an overview of all the activities carried out and progress achieved during the 4 years of the project in the context of WP1 (Project Management), WP2 (Training and capacity development), WP3 (Intervention study implementation and evaluation surveys), WP4 (Acceptability, Feasibility and Economics Studies) and WP5 (Communication and Dissemination).
Stakeholders’ attendance and contribution to the discussions were crucial to outline the last steps of the project and to refine the strategy to pave the way for the translation of the research findings into new health policies and updated guidelines.
INTEGRATION Close-up meeting ended with the closing notes from Prof. Kassoum Kayentao.
Click here to download the Agenda