Data analysis for Cluster-RCT April 2023

On 24th and 25th April 2023, a workshop on data analysis for Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial was held in Bordeaux.
It was co-organized by the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), and funded by IRD.
It was led by Maia Lesosky, Professor of Biostatics of the Department of Clinical Sciences at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
The training sessions were conducted both in person and remotely and were attended by fourteen participants.
In the workshop were involved also the two PhD students of the INTEGRATION project: Joel Bognini from Burkina Faso and Kadiatou Koita from Mali.
The sessions included theoretical session (Cluster randomised designs, Statistical models to account for clustering) and practical sessions (Software, packages, tutorial, walk through, analysis of design scenarios).
Click here to download the program of workshop

On the left from front to back, Maria Fernanda Morera Agudelo (IRD), Shino Arikawa (IRD), and Joel D. Bognini (IRD). On the right from front to back, Prof Valérie Briand (IRD), Dr. Jenny Hill (LSTM), Biébo Bihoun (CNRST) and Jean-Baptiste N’takpé (IRD).